Las actividades que encontrarás en esta página son apropiadas para trabajar en clase con los estudiantes manejando una transversalidad, pues en ellas encontraras temas para las diferentes áreas del conocimiento, que contribuyen al desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas en el idioma inglés






Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre,
venga tu reyno,
hagase tu voluntad,
asì en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan cotidiano,
Y perdónanos nuestras deudas,
asì como nosotros perdonamos á nuestros deudores.
Y no nos metas en tentación,
mas líbranos de mal.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


Answer questions 1-3 according to the following text:

The United States is now becoming a non-smoking society. Across the country, hundreds of towns and cities, and even entire states, are passing strict laws to control the sale and use of cigarettes.

In New York, for example, smoking is illegal in public buildings, hospitals, schools, banks, stores, movie theaters, taxi-cabs, and restrooms, to name a few places. In addition, smoking is prohibited anywhere in the U.S. on airline flights that last two hours or less. And now many private companies have also made rules prohibiting cigarette smoking. At least 40% of American companies restrict smoking by their employees.

Company policies are mostly of three kinds: they prohibit smoking by employees when they are working, they hire only non-smokers, or they force workers who smoke to quit smoking.

1. The underlined sentence they force workers who smoke to quit smoking means that
 workers are hired because they smoke.
 workers have to give up smoking if they want to continue working.
 workers are required to smoke if they want to continue working.
 workers are fired because they smoke.

2. According to the text, we can infer that

 none of the company policies ban smoking.
 all of the company policies ban smokers.
 the first policy bans smoking, and the other two, ban smokers.
 the first and second policies ban smokers, and the last one bans smoking.
Construcción de Oraciones
En el enunciado de estas preguntas se plantea una situación, a partir de las cuales debe escoger la opción que mejor complemente el enunciado, teniendo en cuenta que la organización y coherencia sean correctas.

4. Guido and Carlos are talking about the changes in temperature over the last few days. Guido says:

 Yesterday was hotter than today
 Yesterday was as hotter as today
 Yesterday was much hot than today
 Yesterday was more hot than today

Situaciones Comunicativas - Diálogos Incompletos
En las siguientes preguntas el enunciado es un diálogo incompleto. Usted debe escoger la oración que que complete en diálogo de forma lógica y coherente.

8. Anita is going to travel to Moscow. Now she is arranging her luggage.

Lucy: Have you seen my passport?
Mark: Your passport? ______________
I saw it in the drawer last night.
Lucy: But it’s not there.
Mark: Did you already look in your pocket diary?
Lucy: (she takes her pocket diary out.) Let’s see. Yes, it’s here! Thank you.

 It can be on the night table.
 Where on earth can it be?
 You are joking, aren’t you?
 It’s time for you to go. Hurry up!

4 comentarios:

  1. hola profe le escribe jhon jairo fernandez de
    grado 7-1 es para decirle que ya copie el padre nuestro y lo boy a estudiar....... me gusta su blog......

  2. hola profe ya copie los parrafos del cuento
    ¡que padre su blog!

  3. Hello teacher and copy the Paragraph of the story....

    By: Melissa Montenegro
    grado 7-1
